Coffee Fruit: Healthy Vending Drink You’ve Never Tried

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As the healthy eating and drinking revolution continues to drive its impact in the food and drink industry, there are waves of new healthy vending snacks and healthy vending drinks on the market that you may have never heard about. What if I were to tell you that there was an entire fruit you had never tried?

Check out Coffee Fruit! We’re all very familiar with coffee, but how many of us have enjoyed the fruit that the coffee beans come in? There are a plethora of health advantages to enjoying the fruit, and a few companies have worked hard to bring the advantages of coffee fruit to the healthy vending industry.

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Take a look at KonaRed – a great company that turns the coffee fruit into delicious, healthy juices. They even buy the unused coffee fruit from Hawaiian farmers!

Want to learn more? Here’s the full article with great information.

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