Owner-Operator Spotlight – Jonathan Beck Finds Quick ROI

Location, Location, Location: The Most Profitable Places to Put Your Vending Machine

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This feature article originally appeared in Franchise Dictionary.


Vending Business ROI

Like many 40-somethings, Jonathan Beck found himself in a well-paid, upper-management position, but he was unsatisfied at work. He wasn’t attaining the goals he had set for himself, and he was out of alignment with his core values. Beck ended up back in the job market, where the search and interview process was uncomfortable at best. As luck would have it, he received a cold call from a franchise consultant who took the time to understand what he was missing in his life.

“I had never considered owning my own business, but I went through a mind shift, realizing that whatever I decided to do next needed to focus on security and peace of mind,” Beck said. When the consultant presented Naturals2Go, it felt like the perfect fit, he said.

Naturals2Go is a business program that offers healthy snacks and drinks, utilizes the latest technology in vending, and provides services and support that are unmatched in the industry. Beck was immediately attracted to the “set it and forget it” philosophy that vending presents.

“You don’t have to consistently go out and source new clients all the time,” Beck said. “I was looking for a quick return on investment and using that to be my main source of income. Once you get your machines placed, you’re immediately making money.” Beck started with 10 machines and is now looking to purchase 10 more.

“The Naturals2Go Machine Location Program is another great aspect of the business. If you’re not happy with how a machine is performing in a particular location, you just call them up and let them know. They work with you to look at the overall business strategically. If, together, you both agree this is not a good location, they are more than happy to work to find a new location to move it to.”

So what’s the downside? According to Beck, it’s that he didn’t know about Naturals2Go 20 years ago. “Being in business for myself has been so much better for me and my family. There’s no politics and no toxic environment to deal with – even during a pandemic!”

Learn more about this amazing business opportunity.

– Nancy E. Williams

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