Is it Time for a Career Change? Here’s How to Make the Switch

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As the world deals with a frightening pandemic and the resulting economic hardship, the last thing on many people’s minds is a career change. But make no mistake: right now may be the perfect time to make a switch in your professional life, and it might be downright necessary. Let’s take a closer look at making a career change and how to see it through until things get a bit more stable.

Is It Time to Change?

First, decide whether right now is the time to make a career change or stick with what you have. Ask yourself: are you burnt out with what you’re doing? Have you lost your passion and drive? That’s usually a good indicator that it is time to make a change, regardless of the economic situation.


If the difficult economy itself is directly impacting your profession, it might be a good idea to get out ahead of things and make a switch to something that can weather the storm. If current prospects in your field aren’t looking good, it can pay big dividends in the future to make a change now.

Making the Switch

It can’t be stressed enough how important it is to do your research before deciding to make a career change. Only make the switch if you’re absolutely certain it’s necessary and that it will be beneficial. Then, you can forge ahead with your new career and make the most of it, even during trying times.


When you do make the switch, there’s no sense in going halfway. Dive in headfirst and put yourself out there — learn your new craft, soak up all of the knowledge and tips you can from others in the field, and devote yourself fully to your new position.

See It Through

A final word of advice: be patient with your new career change, and don’t give up or get discouraged too quickly. Switching careers — especially during an economic downturn — can be one of the most difficult things you’ll ever do, and it’s important that you don’t throw in the towel before giving it a chance. Be the resourceful professional that you are, and you’ll find success in whatever you choose to do.


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