Same Concept, Different Approach to Healthy Vending Business

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We are passionate about healthy vending.
We know that, when options tweeting-vending-machine-and-hackerexist for healthier snacks and drinks, people pick them. We are on a mission to help the world live healthier, and we achieve this mission by helping individuals start their own healthy vending businesses all over the world.
Under the category of “same mission, different approach”, we’ve discovered news about a team of hackers in the United Kingdom who have wired a vending machine to publicly tweet what people are purchasing. This slightly-less-than-requested public awareness campaign regarding each person’s snack and drink preferences is getting some attention – especially from the customers of the vending machine.

More on the story at Medical Daily: Hacked Vending Machine Publicly Tweets What You Buy, Shames You Into Eating Healthier.
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