The Best Places to Put Vending Machines During COVID-19

The Best Places to Put Vending Machines During COVID-19

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COVID-19 has affected industries of all types. The vending machine business is no exception. But we’re lucky — consumers are still purchasing snacks, beverages, and small meals from vending machines, especially those who are still working on-site or in the field. The trick is adjusting our business practices to accommodate this new normal. And part of that is machine placement.

Here are some of the top locations to put vending machines as we continue to navigate the pandemic:

Apartment Complexes

Apartment complexes remain a good place to put vending machines, particularly in lobbies or by entrances and exits. People still live in these areas, after all, pandemic or no pandemic. And with people still on-the-go, sometimes grabbing a quick bite from a vending machine is the perfect solution.

Medical Facilities

Unfortunately, medical facilities are busier than ever as we continue to manage the pandemic as best as we can. There’s a lot of foot traffic in hospitals and other medical facilities — placing your machines in these areas can actually be a huge help for busy healthcare workers who don’t have time to leave the premises for meals.

Gas Stations

People are still traveling, at least domestically, so they need to put gas in their cars. Gas stations, highway rest stops, and roadside service stations are great places to put vending machines, especially if you’re offering something above and beyond the standard convenience store fare. Healthy vending machines are the perfect choice.


Many office workers are back on-site, especially in areas where factories or production facilities are located in the same building. Placing your machines in high foot-traffic areas like the breakroom or the main lobby of an office complex continues to be a wise choice.


Most people are back to grocery shopping like they used to: in-person at the supermarket, albeit while wearing a mask and staying distant from others. And we all know that we can start to get hungry while we’re shopping for food. That’s why placing your machines at the entrance to the supermarket is a great choice. Hungry shoppers will see your offerings right after they’ve checked out.


Look to the Future

The future of COVID-19 isn’t certain. The future of the healthy vending machine industry is much clearer. Consumers are still looking for quick, convenient, health-conscious options while they’re on-the-go. Connect with Naturals2Go to start your next entrepreneurial adventure and capitalize on the trend.

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