Vending Inventory Ideas by Location: Offices

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Offices have long been a great location for vending machines. There’s a lot of foot traffic with people coming and going, and most office workers only get a set time for a lunch break. Sometimes, going to the vending machine is the best option. But office workers don’t want to fill up on junk food — what kind of healthy snack options cater to this location? 

Protein Bars

Healthy protein bars are the perfect portable and convenient inventory item for an office location. They’re individually wrapped, they’re low-mess, and they’re nutritious. Plus, they’re delicious! Thanks to the high-fiber nuts and oats found in protein bars, they help keep your customers filled up for hours, making them the perfect mid-morning or afternoon snack.

Dried Fruit

Dried fruit is a great choice for office workers looking for a delicious and nutritious item from the vending machine that they don’t have to feel guilty about. These sweet treats are more convenient than fresh fruit because they don’t leave a peel or core behind, and they can last in vending machines for far longer. Dried bananas, oranges, mangoes, apple slices, and other fruits are a great choice for your healthy vending inventory. 

Dark Chocolate

Sometimes, after a long day at the office or during that afternoon lull, we get a craving for something sweet. Dark chocolate is a good option in those moments. You might be surprised to learn that dark chocolate has been linked to various health benefits, including lower cholesterol, better heart health, improved cognition, and even a lower risk of cancer. Include a few dark chocolate options in your machine; the darker the better, because darker varieties have more antioxidants and less sugar.

Healthy Chips

Potato chips are a classic junk food. But there are plenty of healthy chip options that work great for office vending machines. Stock your machine with chips cooked in sunflower oil or coconut oil, and opt for chips without a lot of added flavorings or preservatives. It’s a great way for office workers to enjoy a snack right at their desks.


Who doesn’t love a bite of jerky now and then? It’s not as unhealthy as you may think. And if you can find jerky made in a healthy way — one made using premium meat and without fillers, additives, and preservatives — it’s a fantastic and delicious choice for your office vending machine locations. 

Stock Your Machines With the Very Best

Partnering with Naturals2Go means you’ll be able to stock your machines with the best in healthy snacking and meal options that customers really want. And with our location procurement service, placing your machines properly in offices or elsewhere couldn’t be easier. Get in touch today to learn more. 

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